Thursday 29 March 2012

Easter egg competition

These are just some of the easter eggs entered into our competition.The winners will follow shortly!

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Key Stage One

Key Stage One are coming to the end of our topic of Go Karts in view of this, we had some visitor's......Gary and Sam from Toyota kindly came in to show the children, how to check you're car is road safety.

The children were very interested in everything they had to say, Gary and Sam had their full attention!!!!!

Thursday 22 March 2012

We're learning about Rivers and Coasts in yr 5/6 !!!

In year 5/6,we have been learning about Rivers and Coasts.
A few weeks ago, Miss Wilkinson's class performed an amazing assembly about the River Amazon.They have now created some 3D models to represent a bird's eye view of the rivers journey.They made it out of;glue; paper mache; cardboard and water.
The stages of the river's journey are:
1.It starts from the source high in the Andes mountains mostly known as the upper course.
2.Then it flows into a waterfall.
3.After that it meanders through the rainforest (also known as the middle course)
4.It then flows into the lower course leaving the river by the mouth and entering the Atlantic Ocean. by yr6

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Spaghetti challenge

This week in Science, Year 5/6 worked in groups to see who could build the strongest tower.The children could only use spaghetti and marshmallows!