Tuesday 6 December 2011

year 1 & 2

Key stage one has had some visitors this week, in topics we have been learning about mini beast and endangoured animals. Lisa from Harewood House kindly brought some big bugs in for us to look at and even hold!

The children were very excited and remembered lots about what we had learnt.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Year 1 and 2

In Key Stage One we have been getting ready for the Harvest Festival. We have painted our clay fruit and we have made fruit baskets and fruit from card to display in the hall, for our guest to see.

The children in key stage one wanted to know how milk got into cows and into milk bottle! All the children had lots of ideas where it came from! And were very intersted watching how cow's were milked.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Yr 5/6 Microbes

YR 5/6 have been learning about Microbes in science. What are Microbes ? Microbes are miniscule germs that you can't see with the naked eye. There are 3 types of germs; Fungi; Viruses; Bacteria. On Monday we made models of germs that looked like Microbes and gave them some fantastic names ; eg Bactinger;Cherrylove; Twirlsome. For the challenge, we had to explain exactly what the germ was.

By; Chelsea & Courtney

Friday 8 July 2011

Year 3/4 Trip to Bradford Alhambra

Year 3/4 went to see The jungle Book at the Bradford Alhambra Theatre.It was excellent and the ice-cream was very nice!The actors were very good and we really liked the Jackall.

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Year 5/6 3-D Models

As part of Year 5/6's topic 'Life is a Wonderful Thing' the children have made 3-D models.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

International Links

Mrs Booth enjoyed her two day visit recently to Lille in Northern France. The aim of the visit was for each Leeds school to further develop links with their partner school in Lille and learn more about the French education system.

Truffles enjoyed his visit too!

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Here are some of our Easter competition entries!

Here are just a few of our Easter Egg competition entries.

Winners will be announced on Thursday 21st April.

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Welcome back after February half term.
We hope you had a pleasant week!
Please visit our blog regularly as we have lots of exciting news coming up.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Rainforest paintings

Mrs Hollowed's class painted some fantasic rainforest pictures as part of their topic work!