Friday 3 December 2010

Year 5 Poetry

Year 5 produced some lovely poem booklets.

Can you guess what the following poems are based on?

What am I?

I am colouful, different shapes and sizes
Intelligent writer and the finest drawer
Upon the shop counter and the dusty shelf
Zipped away with my buddies
I'm used to tickle the page
I'm pointy and new
I can brighten up your day
I am the most perfect present
I have a hat so I dont dry up
I lost my friends on the way
And my ink
I wanted to be used every day
If I run out of liquid I live in a bin

What am I?

Rain protecter, glitterful sun shader
Discarded on a beach, in a shop window
Hooked in a garage, restricted in a bag
Outside, forsaken
Dome topped, standing tall
Shelter producer
Lost, broken
I have a stalk
I lost my shape
I long for a new owner but will be thrown out in the open