Friday 3 December 2010

Year 5 Poetry

Year 5 produced some lovely poem booklets.

Can you guess what the following poems are based on?

What am I?

I am colouful, different shapes and sizes
Intelligent writer and the finest drawer
Upon the shop counter and the dusty shelf
Zipped away with my buddies
I'm used to tickle the page
I'm pointy and new
I can brighten up your day
I am the most perfect present
I have a hat so I dont dry up
I lost my friends on the way
And my ink
I wanted to be used every day
If I run out of liquid I live in a bin

What am I?

Rain protecter, glitterful sun shader
Discarded on a beach, in a shop window
Hooked in a garage, restricted in a bag
Outside, forsaken
Dome topped, standing tall
Shelter producer
Lost, broken
I have a stalk
I lost my shape
I long for a new owner but will be thrown out in the open

Monday 28 June 2010

Photos from Kenya

These are some pictures from our partner school in Kenya. We sent a camera to Kenya because they don't have cameras in their school. We made some African masks so we sent some pictures of ours then they sent us some pictures of their African masks. There school is quite different to our school. We were really happy to see their photographs and find out more about our parnet school.
By Chloe & Mackenzie

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Doctor Who Trailers

We have been making doctor who trailers in ICT and we really enjoyed it. The whole class chose the best trailers and ours got picked. Our favourite bit was putting the villains on. Now you can watch them by clicking the links below.

Joe's trailer :

Harry's trailer

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Fruit Faces

As part of our Instructions unit in literacy, Year 3/4 made some fruit faces. We planned them, wrote instructions to explain how to make them, made them and then ate them!! We all got our 5 a day that day!

Wednesday 10 March 2010

A map showing our International Links

visited 4 states (1.77%)
Create your own visited map of The World

Our International Links

Here is a map showing our International Links: Our International Links http://
visited 4 states (1.77%)
Create your own visited map of The World'>http://
visited 4 states (1.77%)
Create your own visited map of The World" width="440" height="220" >
visited 4 states (1.77%)

visited 4 states (1.77%)
Create your own visited map of The World'>http://
visited 4 states (1.77%)
Create your own visited map of The World your own visited map of The World